Golbarge Khatereh started its activity with distribution of fragrances, either fine or functional, and glass, crystal and other containers, based on a scientific approach. Golbarg conducted a deep research to find the best products in terms of the price, diversity and quality. In this regard, Golbarg contacted with and talked to the most reputable international perfume producers and received samples from the best companies of France, United States, Italy, Germany, Netherland, England, Swiss, Spain, and etc. Then the price, quality and diversity was investigated among the samples. In some cases, this lead to the purchase and import of products. Finally, the international Spanish company, Iberchem, was selected as the main supplier. At present, Golbarg is the official and exclusive distributor of Iberchem in Iran. Iberchem is among the well-known fragrance and essential oil producers, and has 13 production line around the world. Profiting from high quality and competitive price, its products is exported to over one hundred countries of the world. In some parts of the world, in particular Middle East, Iberchem is second to none perfume supplier of these countries. Iran is not an exception, as Iberchem possess much of the perfume market of Iran, since a long time ago. On accessories, Golbarge Khatereh also imported glass crystal containers, formerly. Development policies of the company and customers’ requirements, directed the company to produce polypropylene containers of different sizes. However, Golbarg intends to begin the importation of accessories, glass and crystals, again in the near future. |