Every perfume has its own world. The world which you enter by smelling that perfume. Olfactory is really a mysterious and celestial sense. Perhaps human soar to an amazing world by smelling a pleasant odor. Smelling each perfume bring about a different and special sense to you. These senses are usually lovely and delicate. They may transmit a sense to human and direct him to goodness. Perhaps the cause of emphasis of Islam on perfume using is lying under the fact that they fill in the beauty sense of human. Perfumes are like a bridge which can take the human away from a bad state to a nice mood. A mood which convey one’s attention to himself. The beautifulness of the scent which he or she smells propels him/her to secret and apparent beauty. The best perfumes are natural ones. You should find the perfume which mostly satisfies your sense of seeking beauty. This is the best perfume. Among the industrial perfumes the mild ones are usually better. This is a fact that today the sellers have a great influence on buyers, since differentiating ability of buyer decline after smelling a number of perfumes.